Senin, 27 Agustus 2012


A4TECH X-760H Optical gaming mouse  is a cheap gaming mouse, which costs about $ 18, this mouse has many features Anti vibrate technology,cursor fixed while lift mouse, and it greatly improves target precision when playing fps game. Mouse in the sales package comes with a cd drive and anti vibrate foot.
The following screenshot of the A4TECH X-760H Optical gaming mouse

mouse package
Here is a screenshot of  driver A4TECH X-760H
Here is a screenshot of driver A4TECH X-760H

Compatibility of CAPRICORN (01/04/1996) and PISCES (03/06/1997)

Capricorn provides a ballast for Pisces's drifting dreaminess and supplies the stability that Pisces needs and admires. And there is nothing Capricorn likes better than being admired. Capricorn is the boudoir captain, but Pisces is a willing crew. Pisces' taste for the bizarre may even influence Capricorn's conventional passions. Pisces' generous affections and Capricorn's strong sense of loyalty combine to make each feel safe and protected. These very different people meet each other's needs.

In a relationship, Capricorns are a slow starters, but prove to be explosive performers and long-lasting, loyal companions. They are quite skilled with people, once they overcome their initial reserve.
When aroused, Capricorns are enthusiastic and adventurous in the art of love, but can be possessive and jealous when threatened. Partners can sometimes be overwhelmed by the intensity of their passion, coming as it does from beneath such a cool exterior. In marriage they are loyal, good providers and strive to develop a strong home environment.
Capricorns strive to conceal their vulnerability beneath a confident veneer of ambition and material success, but passionate Mars is always bubbling just below the surface. When the curtain is lifted, the passion flows like lava from an erupting volcano. Indeed, when they are sure of their ground, they delight in living up to the randy reputation of the Goat.

Pisces really need to be needed. They suffer from fear of rejection and low self-esteem. Pisceans are tender and caring, but frequently become the victims of domineering and uncaring partners. They submerge themselves in the experiences of their mates. If their partner is strong and caring, the lucky Piscean will soar to new heights. Conversely, if they find themselves in an unfulfilling relationship, they will prolong the agony--feeling they must deserve the misery?-and assume the role of martyr.
Pisceans do best when involved with a solid personality who will enjoy their romantic fantasies. There is no more loyal and caring lover than a Piscean, but their need for emotional and sensual reassurance sometimes leads to flirtations. Pisceans are the most loving and giving of the signs, their ability to select an inappropriate partner is legendary. In the right relationship, their sexuality will blossom and become something of an art form, especially as they get a little older, more experienced and more confident.

Minggu, 26 Agustus 2012


Denim yaah barangkali orang awam tidak mengetahui apa yang di maksud denim :p  Denim adalah bahannya dan jeans merupakan produknya,lah orang2 banyak yang mengenalnya dengan nama jins(red:Jeans), Denim sendiri berasal dari kata Serge de NĂ®mes yang merupakan sebuah kota di France, sedangkan jeans berasal dari Genoese yang merupakan sebutan bagi para pelaut dari Italia yang selalu memakai baju berwarna biru saat berlayar.

Dulu, denim sebenarnya merupakan paduan dari wool dan cotton atau wool dan silk( tidak tahu mana yg benar) tetapi setelah abad ke-19, hanya memakai cotton saja. Warna biru dari jeans merupakan hasil dye dari tanaman indigo yang telah dipergunakan sejak 2500 B.C.Namun saat ini di zaman modern pewarnaan bisa di lakukan dengan pewarna sintetis namun pewarnaan tradisionalah yang mempunyai nilai lebih.

Masa-masa kejayaan jeans. Jeans mulai populer pada tahun 1950, dan pada tahun 1957, mencapai penjualan sebesar 150 juta pasang di seluruh dunia. Tahun 1967, 200 juta pasang terjual di Amerika, 500 juta di tahun 1977, dan puncaknya 520 juta pada tahun 1981. Banyak ahli menganggap bahwa kerasnya penjualan jeans bergantung pada harga yang murah, however, pd tahun 1970an harga jeans meningkat hingga dua kali lipat dan penjualan tetap melebihi supply.Namun, pada tahun 1980an penjualan semakin menurun.

Sekarang designer di dunia perdeniman berlomba-lomba untuk memproduksi denim dengan teknik terbaru meliputi bahan,cutting,dan washing .

texas dry denim
nah di bulan agustus ini perdana saya memakai wrangler texas dry denim,menurut saya karakter dry denim texas yang nyaman membuat saya kepincut untuk memilikinya :D selain harganya yg murah kita juga gampang mendapatkannya tinggal ke storenya aja atau ke terdekat :D, WRANGLER IS BIG BRAND,denim for works or play :p

Sabtu, 25 Agustus 2012

my room

setiap individu pasti memiliki suatu daerah atau nama lainnya area (bukan area27 -_-) nah kali ini saya akan memposting dahulu ruangan saya,ruang untuk bermalas2an ,ngegame,nonton disini lah tempatnyaa

first blog

Yaaaa perkenalkan nama saya Adha maha adhi prayoga,lahir 4 januari 1996,saat ini mengenyam pendidikan di SMA BATIK 1 Surakarta RSBI duduk di kelas X1 IPS 3 , walaupun ga nyambung antara ips dengan teknik informatika saya tidak berkecil hati karena informatika bisa di pelajari dengan berbagai media contohnya buku,internet,atau koran sekalipun ibarat kata pepatah buku adalah jendela dunia , cukup itu saja tentang perkenalan saya semoga bermanfaat bagi kita semua,amin ! =D